The Mime

by /u/R-oz

The mime was a street performer with an incredible talent imitating things an people who passed by him in the streets.

Why are they in the Gungeon? What's the past they are trying to kill?

After the park he loved was demolished by The Director, an evil businessman who turned it into a parking lot, the Mime trained for years before he could finally mimic a Doorway through The Curtain, which took him to the Breach. Determined to find the Gun That Kills The Past, the only thing Mime desires is to save his beloved park, whatever it takes.

In his past, the Mime confronts The Director while he's about to destroy the Park. The Director fights in a gigantic Armored Wrecking Ball. When the Wrecking Ball is destroyed, the Director is blown away by the explosion.

Unlocks: Killing The Director unlocks Invisible Box and Mimic Steps for all the Characters. Unlocks the S Quality Item "Curtain Call", which charms all enemies in the Room.

Special attributes

Starting Health: 3 Full Hearts – Starting Blanks: 2 – Blank per Floor: 2

B Skin: Looks like a Metalhead.




"shoots invisible imaginary bullets, the bullets don't really exist, but the mime makes it so convincing that they cast a shadow and hurt enemies"

  • Semiautomatic
  • Infinite Ammo
  • Magazine - 6
  • Damage - 4.5
  • Fire Rate: 0.175

*Doesn't reveal secret walls*


Invisible Box

Quality: A

Spawns a Pillar which acts like a wall but also reflects enemy bullets back. The player can shoot through the Pillar The Pillar will disappear if it sustains enough damage (The pillar sustains damage everytime it reflects a bullet)

Recharge: 650, 800, 790, 1200, 860, 980, 1200, 1200 (1, Oub, 2, Ab, 3, 4, 5, 6)



User doesn't trigger traps it steps on

Lessens the time the character takes to recover off a Dodge Roll

The User can open Mimic Chests without alerting/aggroing them