The Gentleman

by Blue Blistering Barnacles#1363

The Gentleman is a rich benevolent businessman, who thinks about the people first. He runs his business on Planet-1920, a cityscape planet with an outstanding economy and low job unemployment. He is part of long line of wealthy, classy persons, quite like himself. He treats others with respect, and as equals, as gentlemen do. He’s slightly pass middle age, but still going strong. No admirer can withstand the urge to talk to The Gentleman, for his dapper clothes and his clever wits. His grandfather was a renowned gunsmith by trade and taught him the way of the revolver. His father was a shrewd businessman, who just wanted to make money. As a kid, he wondered why people were suffering, and vowed to instead of using his wealth to get more even more cash, he would use the money he had to help the people who didn’t have any.

Why are they in the Gungeon? What's the past they are trying to kill?

He is the owner of Dapper Industries, a intergalactic family business and the most recognizable company, also known for making high quality things at a fair price. But when the second most powerful job position in the company opens up after a unfortunate accident with the previous employee, he unknowingly hires the corrupt, power hungry Mr. Miserly. The newly employed villain soon starts his vile plan. He starts turning The Gentleman’s factories into a illegal weapon production line, and forces the everyday citizen to pay exorbitant prices for petty trinkets, and forces them to work in the factories if they couldn’t pay. And to make matters worse, Mr. Miserly dishonorably murdered the predecessor of his job. Defeated in a duel with Mr. Miserly(who cheated), The Gentleman barely survives, and escapes from his new nemesis. He remembers the stories his grandfather told him as child, about a shifting dungeon and a weapon that can turn back his past. Wanting to help the people that were affected by Mr. Miserly's devilish scheme, he uses the last of his money to set off on an expedition, to reclaim his business and to return things to the way it once was…

Special attributes

He starts of with +2 coolness, and two heart containers. He also starts with 30 shells for shops, but no key.



Classy Cane

The Classy Cane is a revolver type weapons that fires 6 shots. It discharges the bullets faster if you tap the fire button, instead of holding it. When you press reload, the gungeoneer swings the cane(similar to the huntsman), and hits enemies for a small amount of damage. The cane hit has a small chance to fear the enemy, and have them move away from the gungeoneer. The reload time is 2 sec, and reloads slower when dodge rolling. Does average damage for a starter pistol.



Greatly Increase sell creeps in shops. Sell creeps give back more cash per each item, and if you give enough items to him, he'll give you something back in return. You'll have to put in more low rank items(d rank, c rank), than high rank items(s rank, a rank), to have him give you something. Resourceful rat will also drop a small amount of money when he steals an item.


Moustache Comb

The Moustache Comb makes enemies when used in the room "lower their guard" because of how classy and dapper you are and take 50% more damage from your weapons. Doesn't work on bosses. Lasts for 10 seconds and has a mediocre refresh time to prevent spam.