The Detective

by /u/Fire8TheBlade

A male with short hair, wears a black fedora and trench coat.

Why are they in the Gungeon? What's the past they are trying to kill?

He is trying to revert his decision to kill his competition for being the best sleuth as everybody he knew shunned him. The past fight would be fighting himself until almost death, then his past self would submit and agree to help him to heal the 4 victims scattered throughout the building with med kits in the boss arena. While doing this second half police officers similar to the follower from the item would be spawning to stop your past self from committing more murder.

Special attributes

Starts with 1 heart and 2 armor. Has a powerful, slow revolver for a main weapon (1 per clip, 12.5 damage, 1.5 second reload). Active item adds 1 curse every time it's used and deals 10*(Curse+1) damage to a random enemy in the room, to balance this it only is able to be used once a room. Curse gets reset every floor, due to his dark tendencies in his past and Kalibur's approval of such.



Black Revolver

Despite being a revolver, he only loads one bullet at a time due to an internal arrogance that he can make it with one shot. Each shot deals 12.5 damage, reload speed is 1.5 seconds.


Death Note

Deals (10*(1+Curse)) damage to a random enemy/boss in the room and adds 1 curse when used. Can only be used once a room.